Current Status: Operation
Baghabari 171 MW Gas Power Plant, also known as Baghabari Power Station, is a Gas Turbine (GT) power plant situated in Alokdiar Char at Baghabari Ghat under Shahzadpur Upazila in Sirajganj District of Bangladesh (Locations: 24.1367, 89.5931). It has been sponsored by Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) as a State-owned Power Producer (SOPP) for 23 years. The first unit (71 MW) of the power plant started its commercial operation on 4 June 1991 while the second unit (100 MW) started on 25 November 2001. As per schedule, the first unit was to retire on 3 June 2014, but it was phased out on 30 June 2022. The second unit is scheduled to be retired on 24 November 2024.
The net capacity of the power plant was 171 MW in which 100 MW (second unit) is in operation phase now.