Current Status: Operation

Source: United Group
Ashuganj 195 MW Gas Power Plant, also known as United Ashuganj Thermal Power Plant, is a Combined Cycle (CC) power plant situated within Ashuganj Power Station Complex in Sonaram under Ashuganj Upazila in Brahmanbaria District of Bangladesh (Location: 24.0432, 91.0149). It is sponsored by United Ashuganj Energy Limited (UAEL), a Joint Venture Company (JVC) of United Group, and Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL), as a private Independent Power Producer (IPP) for 15 years. The sponsor declared its Commercial Operation Date (COD) on 8 May 2015, and according to the schedule, it is to retire on 7 May 2030.
The power plant's installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity was 210.60 MW and 195 MW, respectively.
Ashuganj Power Station Company Ltd. (APSCL) started its journey in 1970 by setting up 2 thermal power plants of 64 MW each. The economic life of the two plants passed in 2005, resulting in the permanent retirement of Unit-1 in 2014 and Unit-2 in 2018 (APSCL, 2023). To increase the total generation of the company within a very short time a decision has been made to establish a 200 MW Modular Power Plant. The United Ashuganj Energy Limited (UAEL) was awarded this project with joint ownership of 71% and 29%, respectively, United Enterprises & Co. Ltd. (UECL) and APSCL own the project (AECOM, 2014).
Meanwhile, in April 2015, the Department of Bangladesh granted the project environmental clearance. Then the construction was initiated in April 2015 by Neptune Commercial Ltd (NCL), who was engaged as an EPC contractor. UAEL's subsidiary, United Engineering & Power Services Ltd (UEPSL), was in charge of the plant's operations and maintenance (Mott MacDonald, 2015).
The only fuel used by the power plant is natural gas, which is created by connecting a 10-inch gas pipeline to the "RMS" inlet point. Roughly 0.5 kilometers of the route are situated next to the internal road of the APS complex. As of right now, the power plant can generate 1538 million kWh per year at 90% Plant Factor (Mott MacDonald, 2015). Three transmission towers and interconnection lines within the APS complex; additional 230kV gas-insulated switchgear at the Ashuganj to 230kV switchyard; the company evacuates electricity through the existing Ashuganj substation. The power plant was designed to operate for 15 years until retiring in 2028 (APSCL, 2023).
Land Acquisition
UAEL took 6.48 acres of land as a lease for 15 years from APSCL to install the power plant.
The estimated budget for the power plant was USD 170 million, of which 70% was loan and 30% equity. International Finance Corporation (IFC) gave a loan of USD 41 million in addition to USD 2.50 million of equity investment (WBG 2016). Besides, Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) provided USD 21.94 million, Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTBL) provided USD 21.94 million, and Trust Bank Limited (TBL) provided 14.62 million under the Investment Promotion and Financing Facility (IPFF) of Bangladesh Bank, which is financed by the World Bank Group (BB, 2022).
The power plant is sponsored by United Ashuganj Energy Limited (UAEL) which is a JVC of United Power Generation and Distribution Company Limited (UPGDCL) and Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL). UPGDCL owns 71% of UAEL, while APSCL owns 29% (IFC, 2015). UPGDCL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Group, and APSCL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BPDB.
The power plant used advanced equipment including a Wärtsilä Finland OY 20V34SG engine, ME India Private Limited boiler, and Triveni Turbine Limited steam turbine for efficient electricity generation. The Neptune Commercial Ltd (NCL) was engaged as an EPC contractor.
AECOM India Private Limited conducted the power plant's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has identified potential gaseous pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The project will use a lean burn mixture to reduce NOx levels and particulates. Additionally, the power plant draws around 6,010.36 cubic meters (5,902.21 tonnes) of freshwater from the Meghna River per hour which means the power plant uses 51.71 million tonnes of water annually and 775.58 million tonnes in its lifetime (UAEL 2015). The EIA also found an adequate water supply for a cooling system, with two systems: closed and open circuits. The septic tank's capacity is to be verified, and the system should be capable of dealing with a storm return period of 1 in 5 years during nighttime. Ambient noise measurements revealed average noise levels above national and international standards (AECOM, 2014).
Carbon emission
Carbon emission from DFG-based power plant is 0.79708 kg/kWh
A transformer caught fire on 30 May 2019 evening, which halted the power generation from Ashuganj Power Hub. No casualties were reported due to the fire. (Bdnews24 2019).
AECOM (2014). "ESIA Report: Thermal Power Plant of 200 MW, Ashuganj, Bangladesh". Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd. 2014. Accessed on 09 November 2023.
APSCL (2023). "APSCL at a glance". Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited (APSCL). Accessed on 09 November 2023.
BB (2022). Successful Projects Under IPFF Financing. Bangladesh Bank (BB): undated (accessed on 13 June 2022)
Bdnews24 (2019). "Fire at Ashuganj plant transformer disrupts power generation". The 31 May 2019
IFC (2015). Summary of Investment Information: United Ashuganj Energy Ltd.. International Finance Corporation (IFC): 10 June 2015
Mahmud, N. (2020). "United Power Generation to acquire two more plants". The Dhaka Tribune (DT): 16 September 2020
Mott MacDonald (2015). ”Ashuganj 200 MW Power Plant: Environmental and social compliance review”. Mott MacDonald, May 2015. Accessed on 09 November 2023.
UAEL (2015). Environment and Social Impact Assessment: 200 MW Thermal Power Plant at Ashuganj Bangladesh: Final Report. United Ashuganj Energy Limited (UAEL): September 2015
United Group (2022). United Ashuganj Energy Limited. United Group: Undated (accessed on 15 June 2022)
WBG (2016). Snapshots: United Ashuganj Energy. World Bank Group (WBG): 20 January 2016