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Bhola 95 MW (Aggreko) DFG Power Plant

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

Current Status: Retired

Bhola 95 MW Gas Power Plant, also known as Aggreko Bhola 95 MW Power Plant, is a reciprocating engine power plant situated in Gazipur Char village under Burhanuddin Upazila in Bhola District of Bangladesh (Location: 22.4782, 90.7128). It is sponsored by Aggreko International Projects Limited (AIPL), a subsidiary of Aggreko International, as a Quick Rental Power Plant (QRPP) for 3 years. As per schedule, the power plant retired in March 2022, after 11 years of operation. The Quick Rental plant at Bhola came into production on 31 May 2011 under a three-year contract. As such, the term of the contract was supposed to expire in May 2014, but it has also been extended in phases. As per the latest agreement, the term of the center is scheduled to expire in March 2022 (Tuhin 2021).


The installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity of the power plant was 105.60 MW and 95 MW respectively.

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