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Chandpur 200 MW (Desh Energy) HFO Power Plant

Current Status: Operation

Source: (Desh Energy)

Chandpur 200 MW Furnace Oil Power Plant, also known as Desh Chandpur Power Plant, is a reciprocating engine-based power plant situated in Gunrajdi in Natun Bazar under Chandpur Sadar Upazila in Chandpur District of Bangladesh (Location: 23.2241, 90.67383). It is operated by Desh Energy Chandpur Power Company Limited (DECPCL), a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of Desh Energy Limited (DEL) under Mohammadi Group, as a private Independent Power Producer (IPP) for 15 years. The sponsor declared its Commercial Operation Date (COD) on 9 November 2018 and, as per the schedule, the power plant is to retire on 8 November 2033.


The power plant's installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity is 220.98 MW and 200 MW respectively.


On 9 August 2017, the Cabinet Committee on Public Purchase of Bangladesh granted approval for this power plant (Financial Express, 2018). On 4 January 2018, the Power Development Board (PDB), a government-owned entity, entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Desh Energy Chandpur Power Company, a domestic firm, to acquire 200 MW of electricity from them. The signing took place five months following the issuance of a letter of intent for the development of a 200 MW power project in Chandpur. Under the agreement's terms, the Power Development Board (PDB) would buy electricity from Desh Energy Chandpur Power Company at a rate of Tk 8.7 per Kilowatt-hour for a duration of 15 years. The project was scheduled for execution within the subsequent five months and was expected to commence operations in mid-August of 2018 (Daily Sun, 2018).

The power plant was anticipated to become operational by May 9 of 2018. The Power Division, a part of the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources (MPEMR), chose the contractor to construct the power plant by utilizing the 'Speedy Supply of Power and Energy (Special Provision) Act 2010,' bypassing the conventional tendering process (Financial Express, 2018). Wärtsilä has provided the engines and is expediting the delivery to align with the customer's project schedule of nine months, aiming for complete operational readiness by May 2018. The first batch of engines is scheduled for delivery in November of that year, with the remaining units to follow one month later (Wärtsilä, 2017).

However, the powerplant was unable to reach completion primarily due to sponsors facing difficulties in securing funds or acquiring land having achieved only 60 percent implementation by June 2018 (Prothom Alo English, 2018). The powerplant was commissioned on 9 November 2018 (BPDB Annual Report, 2021-22). On February 6, 2019, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated these power plants and grid substations via a videoconference from her official residence, Ganabhaban (Jagonews24, 2019).

Land acquisition

The land area of the powerplant is approx. 15.49 acres (Calculated using Google Earth).


No financial documents or news have been found on this power plant.


The powerplant is sponsored by Desh Energy Limited (DEL) under the Mohammadi Group (Desh Energy, 2021).


Wärtsilä, a technology company, has secured a contract to provide engines for a new 220 MW power plant in Chandpur, Bangladesh. The project, commissioned by Desh Energy Chandpur Power Company, involves twelve 18-cylinder Wärtsilä 50 engines running on heavy fuel oil. This power plant was booked for implementation in August 2017. Wärtsilä is fast-tracking the delivery to meet the customer's nine-month project timeline, with full operational capacity expected by May 2018, and the initial engine delivery set for November of the same year, followed by the remainder a month later (Wärtsilä, 2017).

Fuel Supply

The plant uses natural gas as its primary fuel. Not much data has been found on fuel supply.

Power Generation

The power plant's installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity is 220.98 MW and 200 MW respectively. The power plant supplies power to the 11/33 kV Grid of BPDB in Ramganj and Chowmuhani (Desh Energy, 2021).


Adroit Environment Consultants Ltd. (AECL) is preparing (Ongoing) quarterly Health, Safety, and Environmental Monitoring Report of the 200 MW HFO-Fired Power Plant of Desh Energy Chandpur Power Company Limited at Gunrajdi, Chandpur, Bangladesh (AECL, 2023).


Of the furnace oil (HFO)--fired fast-track private power plant projects initiated urgently in 2017 to address the crisis, all except one failed to meet their scheduled operational timelines. The remaining 13 projects were unable to reach completion primarily due to sponsors facing difficulties in securing funds or acquiring land. Desh Energy's 200 MW Chandpur project is among these, having achieved only 60 percent implementation by June 2018 (Prothom Alo English, 2018).


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