Current Status: Shelved

Representational Photo: (Energy and Power)
Debiganj 20 MW Solar Power Plant, also known as Rahimafrooz Panchagarh 20 MW Solar Park, is a proposed solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plant to be situated in Sonahar Union under Debiganj Upazila in Panchagarh District of Bangladesh (Location: 26.0542, 88.7420) approximately. It is proposed by Northstar Solar Power Company Limited (NSPCL), a Joint Venture Company (JVC) of Rahimafrooz Limited and Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited (SFCE), as a private Independent Power Producer (IPP) for 20 years. As per schedule, the power plant is to start commercial operation in June 2025 and retire in June 2045.
The installed capacity of this power plant will be 20 MW (BPDB, 2023).
Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) issued a Letter of Intent (LOI) on 3 February 2019 as a preliminary commitment to install the power plant (BPDB 2022; BPDB, 2023). According to the LOI, the expected Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the power plant is scheduled as 31 December 2022 although the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is yet to be signed (BPDB 2022; BPDB, 2023). But later it changed the expected Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the power plant to June 2025 (BPDB, 2023). Another report said, construction of the project was scheduled to begin in 2025, with commercial operations expected to commence by 2026 (PT, 2023).
Land Acquisition
The power plant is going to be situated in Sonahar Union under Debiganj Upazila in Panchagarh District of Bangladesh, so no land acquisition information has not been disclosed yet.
The project cost of this power plant is expected to be around $65.738 million USD (PT, 2022).
The development and current ownership of the project are undertaken by Northstar Solar Power Company Limited (NSPCL), a Joint Venture Company (JVC) of Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Limited (RREL) and Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited (SFCE), each holding a 50% stake in the project (PT, 2023).
No data has been found about the contractor as the power plant is only in the announced phase now but it is under the authorization of NorthStar Solar Power Company Limited (NSPCL).
Fuel Supply
It is a ground mounted solar power plant so the source of fuel for this power plant is the sunlight.
Power Generation
The proposed power plant will supply 20 MW capacity of electricity to the national grid at a tariff of BDT 8.60 per unit (DS, 2018).
Ground-mounted solar panels present several advantages over rooftop installations. These panels, situated on the ground, are strategically placed to optimize exposure to sunlight, leading to increased energy production. Their flexibility in placement allows them to be situated in open areas with minimal shading, offering greater freedom in selecting suitable sites. Beyond their energy production benefits, ground-mounted solar panels contribute to environmental conservation by generating clean, renewable energy, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change. Moreover, these installations help conserve land resources by utilizing non-arable or otherwise unused spaces. Despite these advantages, it's important to acknowledge that installing ground-mounted solar panels may sometimes result in habitat disruption, land-use conflicts, and potential visual impacts. To address these challenges and maximize the positive environmental impact, careful planning and consideration of ecological factors are crucial for ground-mounted solar projects.
BPDB (2022). ‘Power Sector Progress Report’. Bangladesh Power Development Board: 15 June 2022
BPDB (2023). ‘Power Sector Progress Report’. Bangladesh Power Development Board: 16 November 2023
DS (2018).”Govt may allow 4 new solar power plants”. Daily Sun (DS): 07 November 2018
PT (2022). “Debiganj Solar PV Park 1, Bangladesh”. Power Technology (PT): 09 February 2022
PT (2023). “Power plant profile: Debiganj Solar PV Park 1, Bangladesh”. Power Technology (PT): 15 November 2023