Current Status: Retired

Representational Picture: (TDS)
Khulna 55 MW Diesel Power Plant, also known as Aggreko Khulna Rental Power Plant (Unit 2), is a reciprocating engine-based power plant situated in Goalpara Power House area under Khalishpur Thana in Khulna District of Bangladesh (Location: 22.8642, 89.5394). It is sponsored by Aggreko Energy Solutions Limited (AESL), a subsidiary of Aggreko International Limited (AIL), as a Quick Rental Power Plant (QRPP) for three years. The sponsor declared its Commercial Operation Date (COD) on 10 August 2010 and, as per schedule, the power plant was to retire on 9 August 2013. But the actual retirement date was 9 August 2018 after 9 years of operation.
The installed (gross) and derated (net) capacity of the power plant is 55 MW.
In 2010, Aggreko Energy Solutions Limited (AESL) declared the commercial operation of Khulna 55 MW Diesel Power Plant. The sponsor of the powerplant is Aggreko Energy Solutions Limited (AESL). Aggreko is the global provider of mobile, modular power, temperature control, and energy services to the oil and gas industry operating in 80 countries around the world. The power plant ran on High speed Diesel (HSD). Gross energy generation from the power plant is 99.35 gWh. Annual plant factor 20.62%. Efficiency of the power plant is 32.50% (BBS). The opertion period of the power plant is 9 years.
Land Acquisition
The total area of this rental power plant was 2.16 acres.
The budget of this power plant was 13 million dolla.
Aggreko Energy Solutions Limited (AESL) was the sponsor of this power plant.
Fuel Supply
HSD was used as a fuel of this power plant
The contractor was not found of this power plant
Power Generation
The Commercial Operation Date (COD) of the power plant wason 10 August 2010 (BPDB 2010). The approximate power generation is 55 MW.
Until now, not a single instance of conducting either an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) or an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as outlined in Section 12 of the 1995 Bangladesh Environment Protection Act and detailed in the 2017 Environmental Conservation Rules (MOLJPA 1995; MOEFCC 1997), has been observed for power plants, despite the legal mandate.
The power plant was originally slated to be decommissioned on August 9, 2013. However, it ended up retiring on August 9, 2018, following eight years of operation. According to the environmental conservation rule 2023 the project falls in the “Red” indicating it as a potential harmful project for the environment (MOEFCC 2023).
Capacity Charge
BPDB had to pay USD 466.67 (BDT 33,133.57 when USD 1=BDT 71) to the sponsor as capacity charge per day (Ali 2020). Total generation of the power plant in its lifetime is 982.39 gW. Total cost of the power plant is BDT 2204.62 crore. Per unit average cost of production is BDT 24.24 tk. Capacity payment of the power plant in its lifetime is 706.79.
Year | Generation (gWh) | Total Cost (crore BDT) | Unit Cost (avg BDT) | Capacity (crore BDT) |
FY 2018-2019 | 10.93 | 25.64 | 23.47 | 14.00 |
FY 2017-2018 | 99.35 | 234.86 | 23.64 | 71.78 |
FY 2016-2017 | 78.09 | 202.63 | 25.95 | 76.18 |
FY 2015-2016 | 70.87 | 193.62 | 27.32 | 82.67 |
FY 2014-2015 | 87.36 | 214.47 | 24.55 | 78.19 |
FY 2013-2014 | 129.23 | 306.17 | 23.69 | 80.61 |
FY 2012-2013 | 100.61 | 332.26 | 33.02 | 109.12 |
FY 2011-2012 | 133.41 | 287.00 | 21.51 | 108.39 |
FY 2010-2011 | 272.54 | 407.97 | 14.97 | 85.85 |
Total | 982.39 | 2204.62 | 24.24 | 706.79 |
Ali, Ismail 2020. "২২ বিদ্যুৎকেন্দ্রে বছরে গচ্চা দুই হাজার ৩০০ কোটি টাকা". The Share Biz: 27 July 2020
BBS (n.d.). “Chapter 6 Energy”. Bangladesh Bureau Of Statistics (BBS): accessed on 21 May 2024
BPDB (2010). “Annual Report 2009-2010”. Bangladesh Power Development Board: 1 August 2010
BPDB (2022). “Power Sector Progress Report”. Bangladesh Power Development Board: 15 June 2022
MOEFCC (1997). ‘The Environmental Conservation Rules. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC)’: 27 August 1997
MOEFCC (2023). “The Environmental Conservation Rules”. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC): 5 March 2023
MOLJPA (1995). ‘Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995’. Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division, Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs (MOLJPA): 16 February 1995