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Mahamaya 20 MW (BPDB) Solar Power Plant

Current Status: Canceled

Representational Picture: (DT 2023)

Mahamaya 20 MW Solar Power Plant, a floating solar power plant was to be situated in Mahamaya lake, Mirsarai, Chattogram (probable Location: 22.8186, 91.5740). It was to be sponsored by the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) as a State-owned Power Plant (SOPP) for 25 years. But due to concerns about potential environmental risks, recognizing the potential threat to wildlife and the ecosystem of these lakes, the power plant was canceled and shifted to another place.


The capacity of the power plant was set to 20 MW.


In January 2020, the government of Bangladesh initiated a groundbreaking project to address the growing demand for renewable energy by installing floating solar panels in various water bodies across the country. The Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA), operating under the Ministry of Power and Energy, took this unprecedented effort in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Faced with a scarcity of available land, the government identified five distinct locations, including Kaptai Lake, Mahamaya Lake, Joydia Baor, Bukbahara Baor, and Khajura Baor, for the implementation of floating solar power plants. 

An ADB survey, presented during a inter-ministerial meeting, highlighted the potential to establish approximately 20 MW and 5MW of Alternating Current (AC) floating solar power plants in Kaptai and Mahamaya lakes, respectively. SREDA, with ADB funding, undertook comprehensive environmental and social field surveys to facilitate the establishment of these innovative power plants. Additionally, consultation with the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) was sought, particularly concerning the utilization of Mahamaya Lake's water for the project (DS, 2020). 

In December 2020, the government of Bangladesh opted against establishing renewable power projects in Kaptai and Mahamaya lakes due to concerns about potential environmental risks, recognizing the potential threat to wildlife and the ecosystem of these lakes. Although the initially selected sites were abandoned for renewable projects, the government redirected its focus to two abandoned peat lakes situated at Barapukuria coal mine for the implementation of renewable power plants, as confirmed by officials from the power division. This decision followed a proposal from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to fund renewable energy projects under the 'ADB Mission (KSTA-9628): Capacity Development for Renewable Energy Investment Programming and Implementation.'

Despite the cancellation of the Kaptai and Mahamaya lake sites, the ADB had previously conducted a feasibility study on these locations, along with Joydia Baor in Jhenidah and Bukbhara Baor in Jashore, affirming their economic and financial viability for floating solar power plant implementation. Subsequently, SREDA identified two abandoned peat lakes, measuring 109 acres and 95 acres respectively, owned by Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Ltd., which received approval for a feasibility study from the coal mine authorities for implementing these solar power plants there  (EP, 2020).


The sponsor was set to be  Bangladesh Power Development Board  (BPDB).


The Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor was set to be Mission Asia Power Ltd. (Ali, 2021)

Fuel Supply

The power plant was to be a floating solar power plant which would only use sunlight as a fuel.


According to Section 12 of the Bangladesh Environment Protection Act 1995, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is obligatory for any industry (MOLJPA, 1995). The polluting industries, such as power plants, have to go through an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and EIA as directed in the Environmental Conservation Rules 2017 (MOEFCC, 1997). But, till date, no IEE or EIA report has been found of the power plant. According to the environmental conservation rule 2023 the project falls in the “Yellow” indicating it as a slightly harmful project for the environment (MOEFCC 2023).


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