Sep 14, 2023
| Tribune Report | The Dhaka Tribune
State Minister for Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid has said that Bangladesh’s power sector will need an investment of nearly $75 billion over the next 15 years, as the government works on the challenges of providing uninterrupted and affordable electricity.
He made these remarks on Thursday while participating as a panellist at the “Energy and Finance” themed “Let's Talk” event, organized by Centre for Research and Information (CRI) and Young Bangla. Young participants at “Let's Talk” posed various questions to the state minister and shared their views on the future of the power and energy sector in Bangladesh. Nasrul Hamid spent considerable time addressing all queries and assured them that their opinions would be taken into account with due importance.
The state minister, in his discussion, spoke about upcoming investments in areas like gas and power management, smart grid construction, modern technological installations in the power and energy sector, sustainable fuels, offshore and onshore wind power, the establishment of lithium battery factories, cyber security, and oil and gas exploration. “Charging station policies have been implemented, and investments and innovative thinking in the electric vehicle sector will also increase in the future,” he said. Nasrul Hamid emphasized that the young will shape the future smart power and energy sectors.
“The youth are the nation's future, and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is tirelessly working to create equal opportunities and potential for them,” he said. “By 2041, Bangladesh will become an advanced, modern and smart nation, led by today's youth,” he added. To raise awareness about sustainable energy among the youth, State Minister Nasrul Hamid remarked that mere awareness is not enough. “Young people must move forward with innovative thinking,” he asserted.
Inviting the young generation to submit any innovative projects to the Bangladesh Energy and Power Research Council (BEPRC), the state minister said that the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources always welcomes new innovations and technologies. “The Bangladesh Energy and Power Research Council (BEPRC) provides one-time grants for research and innovation projects,” he said, announcing that the innovation competition in the energy sector will be launched again very soon.
News Link: Nasrul Hamid: $75 billion needed for power sector over next 15 years